Hello, I'm Brad A.K.A. Firepup16. I've been playing Club Penguin since December of 2007 and I've played it practically non-stop since then. I have a Twitter and Youtube if you'd like to contact me. I also am waddling around on CP. If I'm online I'll usually be on Abominable, Brumby, Ice Cold, Parka, Sleet or Zipline. Feel free to say hello if you see me! (:
I would like to thank many of my friends including Ferdthebird, Cw700, 7Sparkley8, Gracie Sasha, Cocogirl7788, Justinepink1 (Jpink), Rosytilly, Logan Music, Twine, Turtwig1fan, Orreanna, Supercuty06, Wanney, Jempenguin, Tiak11, Hazel, Pup1one, Frozen Rudolph, Frosty Badge, Frosty Pup, Choco Late9, Monchocho, Trainman1405 and eveyone else who has ever helped me!
My Twitter: http://twitter.com/Firepup16
Thanks for checking my blog out! :) -Firepup16
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